Emma Perez Sequeda was born in 1989 in Venezuela. She graduated at the Real Conservatorio Profesional de Danza “Mariemma” in Madrid. She worked with Corella Ballet for “La Bayadere” production, English National Ballet for “Swan Lake” production and Peter Schauffus Ballet. In 2015, she joined South Bohemian Ballet Theatre where she performed pieces from Attila Egerhazi, Paul Julius, Ole Kristian Tangen, Maged Mohamed, Dekkadancers and others. In 2017, she joined Székesfehérvári Balett Színház under Attila Egerhazi leaderdership. She also has her Pilates Teacher Certificated released by Alcala University and Corpora Pilates. She joins Ballet Preljocaj in 2019.
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