Ballet Preljocaj Junior


Integration of young choreographic artists

With thirty dancers, Ballet Preljocaj ensures that choreographic artists will be able to pursue a professional career. Investing heavily in preparing for their retraining, the company is also involved in the professional inclusion of young dancers.

Prompted by considerations carried out by the group of National Choreographic Centres / Ballets, Malandain Ballet Biarritz, Ballet du Rhin, Ballet de Lorraine, Ballet National de Marseille and Ballet Preljocaj, the Professional Training Program is a highly original project in the field of dance. It is based on systems that already exist in the sectors of theatre (JTN) and music (Jeunes orchestres). Unique in the field of dance, it is aimed at integrating young artists in professional life and offering them advanced technical mastery.



The Ballet Preljocaj Junior will be recruiting dancers aged between 18 and 21, currently studying at a professional training college between February and April 2024, for the next promotion 2024/2025.

Audition dates have not yet been set, but will be announced in early January 2024 female and male dancers aged between 18 and 21, currently students in pre-professional dance schools.


Partner schools

Conservatoire National Supérieur de Danse de Paris (France)
Pôle National Supérieur de Danse Rosella Hightower (France)
École Professionnelle Supérieure d’Enseignement de la danse Montpellier (France)
Centre de Formation des Musiciens Intervenants d’Aix-en-Provence (France)

École-Atelier Rudra Béjart Lausanne (Switzerland)
Royal Swedish Ballet School Stockholm (Sweden)

Director of pedagogy — Guillaume Siard

Rehearsal assistants — Dany Lévêque, Paolo Franco, Guillaume Siard

Choreologist — Dany Lévêque

Dancers Ballet Preljocaj Junior — Teresa Abreu, Angie Armand, Nanami Auwerkerken, Audalys Charpentier, Jules Fournier, Sofia Gaspare Morticelli, Afonso Gouveia, Ayla Pidoux, Tiago Reis, Jack Rexhausen, Francesco Simeone, Owen Steutelings

The Ballet Preljocaj Junior is supported by Région Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur and Direction Régionale des Affaires Culturelles Provence Alpes-Côte d’Azur ith the cooperation of AFDAS and the Chambre des Commerces et de l’Industrie de Marseille Provence and by Caisse des Dépôts de la Caisse des Dépôts.

With the support of
Le Fonds de dotation Francis Kurkdjian et de la Fondation d’Entreprise du Crédit Agricole Alpes Provence

Photographies 1, 2, 3, Angelin Preljocaj – Paysage après la bataille © Didier Philispart
Photographies 4 et 5, Arthur Perole – Un sacre, des printemps © Jean-Claude Carbonne


Around the Ballet Preljocaj Junior