Contact us

    Ballet Preljocaj - Pavillon Noir
    530 Avenue Mozart
    CS 30824
    Administration phone04 42 93 48 00
    Ticketing04 42 93 48 14
    Ticket office opening from Tuesday to Friday from 1PM to 6PM, Wednesday from 2PM to 6M, and Saturday (only days of performances) from 3PM to 6PM

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    Benoît Voituriez
    General administrator
    Carole Redolfi
    General secretary
    Director of producing and touring
    Head of the educational activities
    Deputy to the artistic direction
    Technical director

    Executive secretary

    Executive secretary


    Dany Lévêque
    Cécile Médour
    Artistic assistant
    Sarah Capon
    Dancers coordinator

    Production, booking

    Coline Durif
    Producing and touring manager
    Bertille Zimmermann
    Logistics Manager
    Julia Soler-Steenvoorden
    Producing Manager

    Communication / press

    Dominique Berolatti
    Press attaché
    Head of information and communication
    Daphné Girard
    Webmaster / Archivist
    Laurine Gondré
    Digital communication

    Audience relations

    Head of audience relations
    Coralie Pietrucci
    In charge of audience relations
    Louisiane Toumelin
    In charge of audience relations and logistic

    Ticket office, reception

    Reception, ticket office
    Reception, ticket office
    Reception, ticket office


    Head of patronage and partnerships


    Valérie Barillet
    Senior accountant
    Céline Dussard
    Head accountant - Pay

    Technical department

    Michel Pellegrino
    General stage manager
    Margaux Warnet
    Technical assistant
    Nathalie Zoccola
    In charge of logistics and visiting companies
    Serge Auble
    Equipment and decors manager
    Audric Anglada
    Building manager