The Ballet Preljocaj Junior’s dancers adapt Angelin Preljocaj’s most humorous creation, with a fresh approach that questions our relationship to entertainment.
An ideal medium for passing choreographic creation onto the youth and reflecting on the way we consume media.
School sessions
Friday 02 december 2022 at 2.30pm
Within the context of
Creation 1999
Recreation for 12 dancers
Choreography Angelin Preljocaj
Original music Maxximum SC
Aditional music KLF, Antonio Vivaldi, Joan Baez, Ana Rago et Sergio Leonardi, Dimitri Chostakovich
Scenography, lighting and costumes Adrien Chalgard
Choreologist Dany Lévêque
Production Ballet Preljocaj
Coproduction Festival Danse à Aix, Festival d’Avignon, Théâtre de la Ville (Paris), Les Gémeaux, Scène nationale de Sceaux, La Coursive, Scène nationale de La Rochelle, Theater der Stadt de Reimscheid (Allemagne)
Support Groupe Partouche - Casino municipal d’Aix/Thermal
Photography Jean-Claude Carbonne