As part of the ChoreograpHER cycle.
Discover five proposals honouring a new generation of women choreographers.

Two variations on the same subject and one common dance, hip-hop. Marina Gomes, compagnie Hylel, celebrates
young talent and the vitality of urban cultures.
Asmanti (“cement” in Arab) she shares her vision of the city, and deconstructs clichés in Bach Nord, in response to Cédric Jimenez’s film.

8 March 2025 at 7pm
Theatre - Pavillon Noir
1 h
From 10€ to 25€

Distribution / Credits

Asmanti [Midi-Minuit]
Duration 30 minutes
Piece for 5 performers
Artistic direction and choreography Marina Gomes
Assistant choreographer Elias Ardoin
Theatre assistant Jordan Rezgui, resident of the Comédie Française
Musical composition Arsène Magnard
Light design Paul Coissac
Light management Claude Casas
Performers Ayaba Ardoin, Maelo Hernandez, Marina Gomes, Yanice Djae, Andreas Maanli
Management and production Elisa Le Corre
Diffusion Victoire Costes
Production HYLEL
Coproduction KLAP- Maison pour la danse, Pôle Arts de la Scène – Friche Belle de mai, CCN de Créteil – Compagnie Käfig/ Mourad Merzouki, DRAC PACA Aide à la reprise 2022 - Aide à la diffusion Région Sud 2022 - Aide à la diffusion SPEDIDAM 2023
Residency CCN Ballet National de Marseille, Les studios Dyptik, La Briqueterie- CDCN du Val de Marne, IADU-La Villette, Paris
Bach Nord [Sortez les guitares]
Duration 30 minutes
Piece for 12 performers
Artistic direction and choreography Marina Gomes
Compositor and musician Arsène Magnard
Performers Matthieu Corosine, Hocine Chernai, Andreas Maanli, Mamadou Ndoye, Pierre Zeltner-Reig, Sonia Chetioui, Ayaba Ardoin, Cédric Panzo et Maelo Hernandez, Morad Slimani,Marina Gomes, Arsene Magnard
Light design Paul Coissac
Light management Claude Casas
Management and production Elisa Le Corre
Production HYLEL
Coproduction Festival de Marseille
Support KLAP, Maison pour la danse, Ville de Marseille
These shows were supported by a residency with the choreography competition DIALOGUES - Prix CCN de Créteil du Val-de-Marne, Festival Karavel Kalypso, in partnership of Pôle en Scène and with the patronage of la Caisse des Dépôts
Photography Pierre Gondard (photos 1, 4) / Benoite Fanton (photos 2,3)