Plastic everywhere. Tidiani N’Diaye sets in motion the paradox of this universal material that has colonised our lives. He transforms floating bags into poetic subjects, symbols of hope for a world freed of this scourge. A chemical ballet with ethereal grace in which chaos coexists with freedom.


28 April 2025 at 2:30pm (school session)
29 April 2025 at 10am (school session)
29 April 2025 at 7pm
Theatre, Pavillon Noir
From 8 years old
From 10€ to 25€
1 h

Distribution / Credits

Creation 2022
Duration 1 hour
Piece for 5 dancers
Choreography Tidiani N’Diaye
Performers Irma Essiane, Eric Nebié, Souleymane Sanogo, Andrea Semo, Flora Schipper
Artistic support and dramaturgy Arthur Eskenazi
Choreographic vision Fatou Traoré
Original sound creation Jonathan Seilman
Lighting and stage management Hugo Cahn
Sound control Pierre Rativeau
Costumes and scenography Silvia Romanelli
Text Emmanuel Lambert
Production Manager Julia Grosjean
Production Cie Copier Coller & Shap Shap avec la Fondation d’entreprise Hermès dans le cadre de son programme New Settings
Coproduction Les Ateliers Médicis – Paris, Le Grütli – Genève, La Place de la Danse - CDCN de Toulouse, L'Atelier de Paris, Le TU-Nantes - scène jeune création, Le CNDC d’Angers Soutiens DRAC Pays de la Loire, Région Pays de la Loire, Département de Loire-Atlantique, Ville de Nantes La Caisse des Dépôts, Loterie Romande, Fondation Ernst Göhner, SIG
Accueil Studio Honolulu Nantes
Photography Dorothée Thébert