"As for the origin of a creative work, it comes when it will. Chance come along to prove that chance as such does not exist. Angelin Preljocaj would seem to agree for he chose to have thirteen dancers for his thirteenth choreography, La Peau du Monde. The idea for this work came to the choreographer during a trip, a few years ago, to the desert between Egypt and Israel. He had the sensation of touching a sensitive point of the globe, of getting as close as he could to its carcass, its anatomy stipped of all clothing, skin-bare in this desert. "Here I am", he said "on the skin of the world". There is no photographer, no drawing to witness this experience, no notes to fix this feelings as he walked over the skin of the world at 4 a.m. imagining himself at the dawn of creation. He sat down, listened and left skin against skin."